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  • Writer's pictureR.W. Diamond Broker

Why You Shouldn't Buy Loose Diamond Online...

  1. You can’t sell a feeling on the Internet. Selling a loose diamond is not just about symmetry and the technicalities of the 4 C’s, it’s also about the feelings that this diamond will elicit when it is purchased and when it is given.

  2. While we are talking about the letters and numbers of the 4 C’s, loose diamonds are so much more than that. A diamond is a work of nature. You could have the dimensions of a woman or man along with a picture, but you need to meet them to truly experience their personality. The same goes for loose diamonds. You can’t truly experience the sparkle, shine and depth from a picture online.

  3. There is more to consider. Where is the inclusion? How bright is the diamond? What is the quality? Is there a haze? What does it look like through a loupe? These are things you cannot know if you are buying loose diamonds online with an untrained eye.

  4. Would you buy a house without taking a tour first? You shouldn’t buy loose diamonds without seeing them first either. We let you see them, touch them and more importantly, examine them and COMPARE them to each other. No diamond dealer in the world buys diamonds sight unseen, why should you?

  5. Prices on the same diamond can range from a few thousand to almost $10,000, depending on where you are buying the diamond. If every diamond were the same, then why, when you search online for a diamond with the same shape, grade, color specs and certification do they have different prices? Shouldn't they be the same price? No, because even if the specs are the same, the diamonds are not. You cannot buy a diamond just based on the lowest price. Online you may think that you are looking at comparable diamonds and go for the lowest price, that's the catch. Obviously there are many differences in diamonds, such as brightness; scintillation, position and relief of inclusions and all of these things, that you may not know about, affect the price and determine the beauty of the diamond. These are all things that need to be seen under a loupe and in person.

  6. If it seems too good to be true, it usually is. When it comes to buying a diamond, remember no one is giving anything away and there is usually a reason something is priced below market value. Chances are when you actually go to buy the too good to be true diamond, it will be "gone" and you will then be offered something else, or its not what you thought it would be when you receive it, but you have already paid for it. Now comes the hassle of returning it and trying again. We simply offer the lowest price we can on the diamond you want, because we have long term relationships with cutters and site holders, we get the diamonds directly and then sell them to you, so you eliminate various mark ups usually added in the distribution chain. You are also supporting a local family owned small business. and you know exactly what you are getting.

  7. A diamond is forever and Internet sites come and go. I’m not saying that brick and mortar stores or wholesalers don’t go either; some do, but not as often as Internet sites. In order to make the purchase memorable and special, part of that is sitting in front of a bunch of loose diamonds and choosing the one that speaks to you, not putting it in your cart and paying via PayPal.

  8. Because a diamond is forever, what are you going to do if your diamond gets a chip or your ring loses a stone? Most Internet sites will not provide maintenance, experience or service and if they do you will have to get your ring back to them, wait who knows how long, and hope it comes back as you sent it, with the exact same diamond. When you buy from R.W. Diamond Broker you get our expertise and time. You get our guarantee and appraisal. You get to take your ring in to keep it clean and maintained for as long as you own the piece. You deal with me, the owner. These personal relationships give peace of mind.

  9. There are so many ranges of colors and clarities when it comes to diamonds that is not just as simple as D – Z for color and FL to I3 for clarity. If it were, then all D FL diamonds would look alike and they don’t. You can’t possibly see the differences in these diamonds and compare them on the Internet.

  10. It is unfortunate but true that internet diamond dealers and sellers have not always been looked upon as beacons of honesty. Between fake certifications, jacked up prices and the misleading information of diamonds it is important to find a jeweler that you trust so you can avoid these headaches and really enjoy the experience of buying a loose diamond.

  11. Deal with us. A local family owned, trusted, ethical and honest diamond company in DFW.

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